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How to Conduct Secure Updates

Updates for Windows and Linux systems are an important part of maintaining the security of the digital information in these systems. However, the updates themselves may be a security risk – to avoid these risks and to maintain the integrity and availability of the systems, special solutions are required.

How can Updates be a Security Risk?

Conducting updates is something that can be a security risk if not done properly. The integrity and availability of the systems must be maintained, and most system updates are normally not sufficiently evaluated in the environment in which they are used or in combination with the applications that are running. In addition, an update means that information is imported or added to the system, and this can lead to unwanted malware entering the system.

How do I Conduct Secure Updates?

The update can be done securely by using a data diode that ensures unidirectional communication. The data diode is connected in a way that secures that information can be imported into the system, but since no traffic can be transferred in the opposite direction, information leakage is not possible.

Also, the import of update packages can be conducted through file sanitation consisting of two data diodes and a server for antivirus scanning. The file sanitation conducts an independent control making sure that the update is valid.

Maintained integrity and full control

As only the updates that have been tested and approved are let into the system, you have complete control over which updates that are allowed. By doing this, updates that otherwise risk interfering the availability of the system are avoided.

Read more in our solution description about how to conduct secure updates!

Need help securing your updates? Get in touch with us at Advenica.

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